Sunday, June 9, 2013

Pinterest crazy!

Wow! How come that summer vaca is here, and I can't stop pinning??? I guess I'm trying to make up for the busy year when I couldn't be pinning!! Oh, and not only have I been pinning, but organizing my boards into proper topics. For instance here is my board on classroom management.

Have any of you ever used Diigo? It sort of the same as Pinterest, but not as fancy. You pin websites and label them. I have started using it, but sometimes forget I have it. The fun part is, that if you find a website you like, you can highlight a specif part for later when you return.

Starting tomorrow, I am taking a 5 day course on Varga-Neményi math for first graders. It is from Hungary and is based on more hands-on techniques. I'll have to give some updates this week to give you a better idea of what I am learning. 

Happy blogging all!

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