Monday, July 15, 2013

Made it Monday

I'm proud to tell I have kept my blog going for one year! 56 post in my first year is a good accomplishment. That's more than one a week.

Today I'm linking up with Made it Monday with Tara. Thanks for stopping's what I got:

FIRST  At home we have been practicing multiplication last week. I made a number line on the wall for my daughter, then I made these ice cream groups and quickly wrote up the multiplication facts in Word. Basically I wanted her to get a better idea of counting by three, instead of being just told to memorize the facts. Memorizing has not been a successful strategy for her at all. We will be working on 4's this week, and review the 3's as well.

Everyday she had to randomly pick a multiplication card out of a shoe box, and then figure out where it goes on the line. She also had to find the correct ice cream group picture that went with it. Instead of her counting the amount in the picture, I had her use the number line. I felt that she didn't understand that 3's time tables meant you count by three. When she would easily give up and say I don't know, I would give her some pointers. (My daughter has low self esteem when it comes to math, so she easily gives up. That's a whole other blog post!)

Going on, for the card 8 x 3, I asked her what fact did she know that was closest to it. She said 10 x 3=30. So then I told her she needed to count back. A few times of giving her these pointers, and she started to think on her own. Then when she was done, I told her to just tell me the answers (3, 6, 9, etc). She had to practice 3 times each day.

Here is the link if these would be helpful to you Multiplication 3s.

SECOND On the not so teacher professional side, I crocheted slippers for my self last week. They turned out super cute!! Also, they were really easy to make! If I had two hours of alone time during the day, I could easily make them in that time. But it's summer and I have two lovely girls that keep me busy, so I don't find that alone time. I'm sure some of you know what I mean!

I found the pattern at DROPS Design. If you haven't ever heard of it, there are free patterns for tons of projects, as well as translated into many different languages. You just pick your country of choice, and off you go to find yourself a new pattern. 

Have a happy week!


  1. Your slippers are precious and I love that you made them for yourself. :) Super cute.
    Creating Lifelong Learners
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

    1. Yep, I already have been looking for patterns for my girls. They are a bit jealous! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Congrats on that milestone of 56 posts in a year - that's impressive! I am coming up on my 1 year :) Glad I found you via the linky. I'm your newest follower!!

    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

    1. Congrats to you too!!! One year is good reason to be excited and celebrate!
      Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower!

  3. Your slippers are too cute! I actually keep a pair of moccasin-type slippers at school. As soon as the kids go, I take off the heels. (I feel like I live there sometimes!)

    It's awesome that you can crochet. :)

    Read With Me ABC

    1. Oh man, I know what you mean. I have a couch in my room, and I have been known to take a break on it after the kids have left!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Excellent job with all the posts in one year! That is defintely a nice accomplishment. My sister crochetes and I cannot believe all of the stuff that she does. thos shoes look pretty cool, I'm going to pass them along to her.
    thanks for sharing
    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  5. Love this! Thanks for sharing. I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Make sure you check out my post to see what to do next!

  6. I made my first blog post June 3, 2012 and I have 43 posts! Congratulations on completing your first year. I really love bloggin' and following all the amazing educators out there. It's an amazing way to share ideas.

    I am headed back into first grade this coming school year and I am very excited! Would love for you to head over and check out my blog! I am currently doing a give-away!

    If You Give a Teacher a Treat
